Anubis God of Death
Anubis was the God of death, embalmers and funerals. Anubis’s parents were Set, the God of evil and Nephthys, Goddess of sleep and night.
Anubis had a wife called Anput. Anubis also had a daughter called Kebechet.
Early in Egyptian history, before Osiris became an important God. Anubis used to answer the prayers of the dead before Osiris did.
Anubis was the first person to mummify the body of Osiris and that made him the God of embalmers. Even after Osiris rose to importance, Anubis used to guide the dead to the underworld.
Now, why not try some questions about what you have learned reading this.
1. Who was the God of death, embalmers and funerals?
2. Who was Anubis’s father?
3. Who was Anubis’s wife?
4. Who used to answer the prayers of the dead?
5. What did Anubis become when he mummified Osiris’s body?